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Norwegian Adaptive Downhill Race

  • Hafjell Bike Park Øyer, 2636 Norway (kart)

Velkommen til konkurranse i adaptiv utforsykling

Sted: Hafjell Bike Park

Dato: 24.-25. september 2022

Kostnader: En liten egenandel som dekker overnatting

Påmelding: Ta kontakt med prosjektleder Gunnhild Bottolfsen på mtbadapt@gmail.com

For the second time in history Sunnaasstifelsen and The Nowegian Cycle Federation are arranging the Norwegian adaptive downhill race at Hafjell Bike Park. The race will take part at the same time as the Norwegian downhill cup for able bodied racers. Training will take part on Saturday 24th of September and on Sunday 25th we will race.

Although this is the Norwegian championship the race is open for participants from other countries.

We will stay at newly built apartments situated in the middle of the bike park.

If you need information or want to register for the race or as a helper please contact: mtbadapt@gmail.com

All participants will pay a small amount that cover accommodation from Saturday to Sunday. In addition you need a license from your bike federation to take part in the race.

We need people helping us out this weekend. If you want to help us out our we will cover your costs for the hotel.

4. september

Camp Spinal H2O

14. november

Partners in Spine